Wow! I am so excited (if you didn't already here on my
Facebook) to have my work featured again, on another wedding website! How crazy is that?!?! I am beyond ecstatic and forever greatful! The beautiful, Spanish wedding blog
Tul y Flores, featured my photography today. I am so happy that I get to share my work with not only brides here in the states but now abroad as well!! Please check it out, who cares if you don't speak spanish, its a pretty little blog, even if you cant understand the write ups! ;-)
*Estoy super feliz, y tan orgullosa para compartir con mis amiguitos que hablan Español, que hoy fui mencionada como fotógrafa en la página de internet ,
Tul y Flores. Una página Española maravillosa de bodas y novias. Por favor vayan y visitan la página para encontrar mas!