Every wedding I shoot is always amazing, but when it's one of my good friends wedding it automatically makes it even more amazing! My beautiful, glowing & amazing friend, Heather, married her best friend Bill at an intimate ceremony at the stunning Gillette Castle in East Haddam, CT. It was a small, personal and intimate event for all involved and I was lucky enough to shoot it!
It was truly an honor and a privilege to be there on the wedding day of my old college roommate. We went to school together, traveled half way around the world together (I wouldn't of wanted to be in Tahiti, getting sunburned with anyone else but her and my girls lol), and now have spent the most important day in her life together. I am so not the type who cries at weddings, but I found myself crying at hers (girl with the camera, crying? CHECK. Sloppy wet LCD camera screen, CHECK), I know everyone says the same thing to every bride, but Ive never seen my friend look more beautiful, or glow with more happiness in my life...and that in itself makes me so very, very happy.
Her awesome, kick-ass reception was held in Glastonbury, CT and included a pig-roast, a juke-box, horseshoes, volleyball and plenty of drinks. It was the coolest wedding ever. Enjoy

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